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The process of making 100% cacao, French broad chocolate extends from the cleaning of the cocoa beans to the molding of the chocolate bar.

The first stage of this process is the processing of the organic cacao beans. First, the beans are cleaned via vibrations that remove dust and debris to ensure pure, raw cocoa. Next the cleaned beans are roasted to develop and enhance unique flavors before being winnowed to create cocoa nibs.


The second stage includes milling the cocoa nibs. The nibs small pieces are sent through a mill to reduce their size and extract excess fat from the cacao, known as cocoa butter. After milling, these particles are then ground to a fine powder. This is also where essential ingredients like sugar, milk powder, and additional cocoa butter are added in. In the third stage, the chocolate product is refined through the conche process, where texture and workability is improved. Next, the now liquid chocolate mixture is sieved to remove any particles that are too large before being pressed.

In the final stage, the French Broad Chocolate is tempered, molded and cooled into 60 g bars